Terms and Conditions

1. Use of the site

Accessing, visiting, using or buying the products and services presented on the lactoplus.ro website implies acceptance of these terms and conditions.

2. Changing the terms and conditions

lactoplus.ro reserves the right to make changes, updates to the terms and conditions, without prior notice and without specifying the reasons.

lactoplus.ro reserves the right to make changes to the structure of the site without prior notice and without specifying the reasons.
Continuing to use the site implies acceptance of the changes made.

3. Copyright

The content of the lactoplus.ro site (texts, digital photos, graphic symbols, technical data, other information) as well as Lacto + ® and GemaNatura® are registered trademarks and represent the property of SC Gema Natura SRL protected by law for copyright protection.
Use without the consent of S.C. Gema Natura S.R.L. of any of the elements listed above shall be punished in accordance with the laws in force.

4. Confidentiality

The personal data of each client are confidential and will be used by S.C. Gema Natura S.R.L. only for the stated purpose of this site. The owner of the lactoplus.ro site or third parties will not use the data registered on this site except for the purpose of sending the products and for generating fiscal invoices/receipts. Our company undertakes not to provide this data to a third party.

We reserve the right to correct any omissions, display errors that may occur as a result of typing errors, lack of accuracy or errors in the software, without prior notice.

5. Order

The products on this site are offered within the available stock. No compensation can be claimed if the order cannot be honored for good reasons (lack of product in stock, possible printing errors, etc.). In these cases, the lactoplus.ro representatives will notify the client about the problems and will cancel the order.

GemaNatura® – SC Gema Natura SRL is a manufacturer and distributor of Lacto+®, and www.lactoplus.ro manages the stock in real time. If the product you ordered is not in stock, you will be contacted by one of our operators.

6. Refund

The customer can request the return of the money or the replacement of the product in the following cases:
– when the product has suffered from transport (the contents of the container or the bottle in which the product is packaged have been broken);

7. Data required for payment by bank

Beneficiary: Gema Natura S.R.L.

C.I.F: RO35147188

IBAN account: RO46INGB0000999905358363


Address: Sos. Electronicii 21-23, sector 2, Bucharest